Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Organ Mana Yang Perlu di detox ?

klik video pabrik produsen Detox Your Body :
Talk Fusion Studio UTC
Dr Joseph Prendergast, 
Konsultan Program Detox Your Body, Formulator Pro Argi-9 
(salah satu produk detox yang anda konsumsi)
The American Diabetes Association recently named Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast “Father of the Year” for his outstanding contributions to the scientific community and to his fellow man alike. The American Diabetes Association honoured Dr. Prendergast for:
•   “Saving more lives than any other physician in the United States.”
•   “Clinically testing and documenting the results of 7,000 patients.”
•   “Admitting less than 1% of his patients to a hospital in 19 years.”
•   “Not losing ONE patient to Heart Attack or Stroke in 19 years.”

Beberapa Organ tubuh yang harus di detox
  1. Jantung ( system peredaran darah )
  2. Usus Besar ( Sistem pencernaan dan pembuangan )
  3. Hati ( Sistem Pembersihan racun & Kimia )
  4. Ginjal ( Sistem Pembersihan saluran Kemih )
  5. Paru-paru ( Sistem Pernafasan )
  6. Tulang & Otot 
 Kombinasi Produk Detox dari Natures Sunshine Products
kunjungi : nature sunshine

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